[breaking news] Indonesia Constitutional Court Justice Akil Mochtar Red handedly Busted by KPK at 10 pm, Jakarta
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Colonel DARION the son of a TRAITOR_THIEF
2013-10-02 18:19:24 UTC
[breaking news]
Indonesia Constitutional Court Justice Akil Mochtar red handedly got
busted by KPK (Commission for Corruption Eradication) just now at his
residence Jakarta 10 pm this evening with 4 other suspects , ....
around 3 billion rupiah of money notes were also confiscated from
the suspects by KPK.
That's not "breaking news". Tell us how many millions of dollars your
father stole while he worked for the Indonesian government during the
Suharto time.

Also, tell us how many innocent Chinese girls you had raped during the
May 1998 riot in Indonesia.

These are breaking news that we want to hear from you

Colonel DARION, the son of a TRAITOR, a Dutch-Indo CROOK/THIEF
who stole money from the Indonesian government.




Colonel DARION the son of a CORRUPT government THIEF
2013-10-02 19:36:30 UTC
Look at you now. After I wrote that you want to avoid mentioning the
word CORRUPTION because you feel guilty when you see that word, now
you change tactic and start using the word CORRUPTION. Who do you
think these netters are? They know what you are trying to do Bendhel,
to confuse them into thinking that you are not the son of a government
[breaking news]
Indonesia Constitutional Court Justice Akil Mochtar red handedly got
busted by KPK (Commission for Corruption Eradication) just now at his
residence Jakarta 10 pm this evening with 4 other suspects , ....
around 3 billion rupiah of money notes were also confiscated from
the suspects by KPK.
Colonel DARION, the son of a Dutch-Indo traitor,
a CORRUPT government THIEF.



